The Peace Sanctuary
Our Peace Sanctuary is a meeting place of the heart bringing together people of all faiths,
backgrounds and cultures to embrace the Oneness of our planetary family.
For more information, please call (530) 859-3278

For events click to visit our Peace Sanctuary at Facebook
Despite our very clear statement of the Peace Lodge not being affiliated with any Native American rituals, many still believe it is. Therefore we have been guided to change the name to The Peace Sanctuary.
The Sanctuary was born of a vision of peace among all beings and in service of our beautiful planet. At the Peace Sanctuary, we celebrate life and recognize the presence of Spirit in all forms of life: human, animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms. It is a meeting place of the heart bringing together people of all faiths, backgrounds, and cultures to embrace the Oneness of our planetary family. Our Sanctuary represents the "womb of the mother" a safe and loving haven for all. Its simple but powerful presence serves as a reminder that we are all connected and that peace becomes a possibility only when we recognize that fundamental reality.
The Sanctuary is available to individuals in need of healing or any group that needs a spiritual setting during their visit to Mt. Shasta. It is open to the public by appointment and available for personal celebration, christening, weddings, rites of passages, and all events that support your journey through life. Peace gathering, Shamanic practice of dancing, meditation, chanting, and praying are offered periodically. Please check with us on Facebook.
Peace to all beings:
Founder Rev. Josiane Antonette /The Bernadette Foundation
Contemporary Corsican Shaman